Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, July 7, 2008

Opponents of Retroactive Immunity Live To Fight Another Day

You have to remember that the law forbids telcos from giving this info to the feds unless a specific procedure is followed in writing that necessitate a warrant or a document attested to by specific people in the AG's office. Most of these people refused to do so. The request was signed by the President and he is not authorized to do so by law.

The telco's had a legal and moral obligation to refuse the request. Only Qwest had the guts to say no. The rest caved to an illegal request, now they want immunity.

Why would they want immunity? Only one reason, they know they broke the law and want a get out of jail free card from congress...and the spineless House has signed off on it despite the fact that such a provision violates our First Amendment.

Sure Bush started it...but telcos in their greed for government contracts went along, placing profits ahead of their moral, ethical and legal obligations to their customers.

Hang them..and then go vote congress out of office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost