Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Monday, July 7, 2008

Opponents of Retroactive Immunity Live To Fight Another Day

I have said this before and will repeat until I am blue in the face. Any Senator or Representative who has or will vote for immunity is in violation of their oath of office because such a vote is illegal.

One must only read the First Amendment right to petition our government to know that. Immunity does just that, illegally attempts to block access to the courts. That amendment FORBIDS Congress from doing so. Period. There is no fine print.

I have already told my representative Corinne Brown that because of her vote to grant immunity I will not vote for her next election. I made it clear in faxes to my two senators, Nelson and Mel Martinez the same. Vote against our Constitution and the rule of law and lose my vote forever.

Martinez's response indicates he does not support our Bill of Rights and deserves to be voted out of office as does EVERY member of Congress who voted contrary to their oath of office to defend the constitution of the United States. I suspect most members no longer deserve their seats.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost