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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Clay Shirky is Right: Newspapers' Death is Journalism's Loss

It is always sad to see time overtake any institution or business. You don't see many blacksmith shops these days. I remember when ice was still delivered to my grandmother in Stamford.

Faxes all but eliminated many courier services and email is putting a hurt on the Post Office.

Online shopping is infringing on the local stores for many things. Shopping online does not burn your gas or miles and can be done anytime. Can you even have your milk delivered each morning with your paper?

Where can I buy film for my Polaroid any more? Everyone is going digital and printing at home.

Let's remember that progress for all will always spell doom for some who cannot adjust to the new methods. Journalism is not dead, they are just moving to embrace new technology. The expense of printing something that will be in tomorrow's trash will spell the death of newspapers as we know them soon. eBook readers are here. Print magazine can't be too far behind as broadband and computers become more wide spread. We can't keep killing trees. Who knows what will cause the demise of the internet but someday, something better will come along and so it goes...until the sun burns out or we all kill ourselves with the latest means of destruction technology brings us.

We call it progress.
About Newspapers
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost