Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Victoria Jackson On Fox News: Obama Is A Communist, Rush Limbaugh Should Run The Country (VIDEO)

My gosh! Victoria Jackson IS as dumb as she sounds !!

She is not a character actor...she is just being herself. At least she can be funny without making any sense.

Points out a typical attitude about Republicans and those who have wealth. "I got mine, you can't have any" They can afford excessively high health care...the rest of us are supposed to die so our remaining wealth filters UP by way of high bills and foreclosed homes that will be bought up by wealthy investors when the prices bottom out.

For the wealthy and Republicans wealth should flow only one way...Up to them. For them, majority is only those with net worths in the millions. Rest of us are just in the way or to be used as tools to run their factories...the ones not yet sent oversees that is.
About Fox News
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost