Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Everyone Gets a Bonus from Obama's Net Neutrality Plan

AMEN ! I wish I could increase and bold the font here !

As a small internet company, Net Neutrality protects my business from the giants who would trample me and leave me with no income so they could line their already bursting pockets.

If either I or my web customers found themselves and their web sites shoved off to the side to make way for the big companies who can afford to pay the "tolls" some ISP's have contemplated, it would spell the end of entrepreneurs on the internet.

Content that could not be seen would vanish. The content on the internet would decrease and the choices we have now would decline. What we would see would be more biased and controlled just as many media outlets are under individual rule.

Public decent and political opinions would find it hard to be heard if they were relegated to the slow, hidden backwoods of the internet, leaving only corporate sanctioned comments easily available.

It would contribute to the dumbing down of America..and we are already doing that well enough, thank you.

Only a free interenet is a valuable internet...to us.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost