Politicians kill the constitution Don't re elect anyone Politics in America

Thursday, March 26, 2009

GOP Budget Proposal: Massive Tax Cut For Wealthy

I'm from Ohio. I am ashamed anyone in that blue collar worker state would elect any republican to office.

If this is not more proof of their failed and biased thinking against the American workers who make up the vast majority of us and of his own constituents, I don't know what is.

I was a Republican in Ohio. My business partner was a legislator there. Back in the "old day" they did not try to do everything in their power to beat down the worker while pushing more and more wealth to the privileged few who happen to sponsor their campaigns.

When we go to the polls we vote, expecting the people we hire to represent us will do so. Too many in Congress kick us aside in favor of their wealthy patrons when they make their decisions.

I became a Democrat for this reason. Republicans betray the very people who elect them. More and more we see with our own eyes that making the rich richer does not convert to more jobs or better pay for the rest of us. They close our factories here and move our jobs over seas so they can keep even more of the profits for themselves.

Why should we give them more tax breaks to help them buy more factories in China or India? Why should we hand them billions in bail out money as a reward for screwing the American workers out of their futures, their savings and their homes?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost